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Data-Informed Instruction Design

We start by developing the foundational knowledge of our partnered data management systems, Eduphoria and Edugence, needed to employ the power of data.

Then we work with your learning community to develop custom structures for systematically organizing, analyzing, and responding to data.

Finally, we look beyond the numbers on the screen to triangulate what we know about each whole child and your learning communities to develop actionable instructional plans.

No matter where you are in your journey of using your data management systems, we are here to support you.


Tracking Compliance for Targeted Programs (TCTP)


Through constant communication with our data management system partners, we provide ongoing updates and features that align with the evolving compliance processes at both the state and federal levels.

Our TCTP training is customized using input from your teams to ensure your users have the most up-to-date compliance resources available in an easy-to-use, well-organized online platform.

Let our developers, trainers, and technical support teams make compliance for your programs streamlined and stress-free, leaving you with time to focus on what is most important- your students.

Learn more about the products we support.


Assessment Design

Learning begins and ends with a question.

Data is only as good as the tool used to collect it. TEKSbank provides teachers with thoroughly vetted questions for progress assessment at every level of rigor and each stage of the learning process.

Along with the 65,000+ thoroughly vetted questions, you also get personalized support for your district, school leadership, and teachers. Our team will help you integrate assessment best practices throughout a lesson cycle - from exit tickets to formative and summative assessments using a variety of questions from the bank. There is something there for every need.

You will also have access to our support team - real people with real answers. There is someone here to guide you in each step of the assessment design process.


Learn more about the products with which we can support you.


 Contact Data Solutions Support
